
Indica, Sativa, THC

From :  ministryofcannabis

Indica, Sativa and THC are words that you will find everywhere in  a cannabis seeds shop. But what ido these words mean? We have created this page with the purpose of informing you about cannabis, so you can select the strain that is 100% satisfying for you. Let's start with order. Indica and Sativa are the names that are mostly related to this plant. Nowadays many of the scientists agree that there is only one kind of cannabis, the Cannabis Sativa L. However, in an important part of the literature and in the common use you can find the classification of cannabis in 3 species: Indica, Sativa and Ruderalis.
An indica plant is usually not too tall (about 1,5 mt max) with the typical shape of a Christmas tree. These plants are originated on high hills or mountain areas (ex. Nepal, North India etc).They are robust and easy to grow.  They develop big buds that are really dense, with the calyxes pressed together. They tolerate a low level of stress pretty will. The effect of an indica plant is so called "stoned" or "corporal", with a strong body and mind relaxation. If we compare it with a wine, and Indica is  a heavy red selection.
A sativa plant is usually  tall (1,5 mt or taller) with short branches. These plants originate in tropical areas (ex. Caribbean, Thailand islands, etc). There are more buds sites than on an indica, but the buds tend to be less dense. The effect of a sativa plant is a so called "cerebral" or "high", that is milder than an indica on the body but with a more pronounced effect on the brain. It goes from a creative feeling to a trippy feeling according to the strength. If we compare it with a wine, a sativa is the champagne of cannabis.
Cannabis Ruderalis is not typically meant for marijuana production. The Ruderalis is a specie of cannabis originally from Russia, with a height around a half meter, no side branches and little or no buds. It is used in the production of hybrids to make them more resistant, or to let them flower according to their age (rather  than the number of hours of dark that they receive, like every other cannabis plant).
THC and other cannabinoids
thc moleculeTHC is the acronym of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, and is is the main psychoactive substance found in the cannabis plant. For the plant itself, the THC is a natural method of protecting itself from pathogenic agents or herbivores animals. It also offers a really good protection against the sun's UVB rays. Men have grown cannabis for thousands of years to extract the THC out of it. As you may have noticed, we  show the THC level for most of the strains in our catalog. We need to specify something about this information. Every strain, every single seed have a potential. It's up to the grower then, if the potential will be fully released or not. If you read that a strain have 10% of THC, rating it doesn't mean that every plant of that strain will have 10% of THC. It mean instead that that strain have a potential of producing about 10% in THC. In the hands of an expert, in the right conditions,  these seeds will produce 10% or even more. In a less favorable environment, the same seeds will produce for example 8%. All these words are a reminder that a seed is not a computer, where the values are only 0 and 1. It's a live creature and the final result will be the combination of thousands of little variables. We proudly say that we can offer you the best potential there is, but we can never guarantee (and nobody can) that you will always achieve the values in the description.
Further, you should consider that THC is the main psychoactive substance found in the cannabis plant but not the only one. A cannabis bud contains more than 400 different substances which 61 of them are cannabinoids. The effect of the marijuana is determined by the combination and interactions of all these elements. Beside the THC, a major role is played by cannabidiol (CBD), and cannabinol (CBN). These substances have deep relaxation effects themselves, and they are heavily involved in the THC absorption. So the final effect is given by a subtle combination of different cannabinoids.
We won't go in this topic further because we don't want  anyone  to get bored, but always remember the conclusion: we can never say that a strain is more "strong" than another just because it has a higher level of THC.

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