
Cannabis may help the war on cancer

Cannabis can slow tumour growth, say doctors

Cannabis could be used to treat many forms of cancer, new research suggests.
The drug contains an ingredient which slows tumour growth and prevents the reproduction of cancer cells, doctors say.
Its effects are seen in all cancers but particularly in those of the lung and brain, and leukaemia, it is claimed.
But scientists warned against smoking the drug, saying the only safe version was that created in the lab.
Researcher Dr Wai Man Liu said: 'I'm in no way encouraging people to take up smoking the ganja – there would be more harm than good.'
Previous research has shown cann­abis-based medicines can help cancer patients as a painkiller, appetite stimulant and in reducing nausea.
The drug has also long been used by multiple sclerosis and arthritis sufferers to reduce pain.
Its medicinal benefits come from the main active ingredient, THC. The latest research, by St George's University of London, shows that THC can weaken cancer cells to make trad­itional chemotherapy more effective.
Dr Liu said: 'It's another weapon against the armour of cancer. We are quite close but need to jump through certain hoops. I believe it could be used in two to three years.'
Dr Joanna Owens, from Cancer Research UK, said the latest studies were encouraging but needed to be followed up with more trials. She added: 'Making cancer cells more vulnerable to chemotherapy or radiotherapy is a great concept but it is still early days.'

Read more: http://www.metro.co.uk/news/222262-cannabis-may-help-the-war-on-cancer#ixzz26lqZ9ols

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